
my... how priorities change...

Boy, when life throws you a curve ball that is life changing, it is amazing how priorities change.

We have never been wealthy or never NOT had to worry about finances... seemed to always be in the same place no matter what our income was... we always lived to our means. WE have no extravagant toys, pastimes, or habits and although we have not saved as we should have- we have always been comfortable.

I have held executive management positions in multiple industries and have made really good money, always proud of what I did and the ability to be a provider for the family. My husband does well for a paramedic/firefighter due to tenure and an amazing work ethic that spins him into always having a second career, and for many years even a second full time job.

There have always been sacrifices on both our parts- Him by working 48 hr shifts straight with 24 hrs off to recoup, me... well by settling on a career path that has never fulfilled me or made me feel like I make a difference in the big picture of life. I envy his career every day. He makes a difference. A REAL difference!

a bit of history... 2008 reality... a nice home in a nice neighborhood- (honestly more than we need,) drive average cars- eat out far too much as we get caught up in the rat race called life, and have all we need, even though we do not spend on those things we WANT simply because there is not enough money to go around.

take 2- the news... major health issue has worsened, and info that an expiration date to come... wow- a punch in the gut. 4 months out of work in 2009 so far. Time to re-evaluate.

We looked back to the happiest memories in our lives and it is funny... one was when we lived in a duplex in Macon GA, (1000 sq feet and up to a family of 4) made 40,000.00 COMBINED annually, Skye was not here yet, and Jordan was 3. We spent Saturdays on the back patio in a hard $10.00 baby pool- YES, all 3 of us... me, Dwayne AND Jordan. Good times. No. GREAT times.

This brought a keen realization that happy is as happy does- NOT what happy owns, where happy lives, or what happy does for a living... time to simplify.

Ch-ch-ch-changes. Time to establish better priorities, and find a way to enjoy and add beauty to simply being human.

Our kids are amazing! Non-materialistic, MORE than understanding, and unbelievably resilient. They have always been fearless when it comes to change. This is part of what make us who we are. In this time- we could not ask for better qualities as we started discussing the present situation with them.

We all agreed... We needed to find the new normal.

Live simple- live inspired- and live every day to its fullest. Simple as that. okay... mindset is right... now time to take action!

Dwayne and I drove around the county today and tried to decide what kind of home change would be acceptable for our family in this time of change... amazingly- we realized that when that curve ball was thrown our way- we would have sold everything we owned and move into a shoebox if we could all be healthy and happy.

We can do this! Together we are an amazing force of strength, resilience and bravery.
We don't have all the answers, but I do know one thing. It's a start.

Time to put all pride aside- none of that matters anymore. All that matters is to find our personal freedom and start living the life we imagine. Time to go out on a limb- who knows... if it breaks- we just may realize that we could fly all along. It is time to design a life that we can love living every day together as long as God grants us the time.

and you know what? We ALL have an expiration date- sometimes we know it is coming- sometimes there is no warning. Who knows which is better...

If today was your last day... would you do what you did today? If you were given a year to live- what changes would you make? Would your priorities be the same as they are right now?

I know we still have some work to do!

all in all- a quote said it best..."life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." May I have this dance?

"When you come close to selling out... Reconsider. Give the heavens above More than just a passing glance... And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance."

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